Reset Your Password

Use the form below to reset your password. A new password will be emailed to the email address we have on file for you. Note: You must have an activated account, in order to reset your password. If you have not activated your account, please do so first by clicking on the activation link we emailed you. If you didn't get the activation email, you may fill out this form below and the activation email will be re-sent to you.

Note: If you are an attorney looking to complete your annual registration and you have forgotten your password, please fill out the form below. If you are a Firm Administrator looking to gain access to the Trust Account entry/modification section, this is not the form to complete. You must contact The IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey instead.

To reset your password, please enter the requested information below, exactly as you entered it while creating the account.

Please complete this CAPTCHA verification. Note: If you are using the audio CAPTCHA verification option, press "SPACE" to begin audio playback; press "R" to replay audio CAPTCHA; type in the numbers you hear and press the "Enter" key when done.