Create Attorney Account

In order for you to complete your annual registration through this website, you must have a user account setup. If you do not have an account, please submit the form below. An email will be sent to the email address you provide to activate your account. Please follow the instructions within that email to activate your account. You will only be allowed access to the certification form once your account has been activated.

Please enter your e-mail address address below. This e-mail address will also serve as the username for your account. You cannot create a new account if this e-mail address is already in our system. Instead, click here to login to your existing account or click here to reset your password.

Please enter a "strong" password below. Your password must be at least eight (8) characters in length; contain both numeric and alphabetic characters.

Please complete this CAPTCHA verification. Note: If you are using the audio CAPTCHA verification option, press "SPACE" to begin audio playback; press "R" to replay audio CAPTCHA; type in the numbers you hear and press the "Enter" key when done.